Abstracts Track 2024

Area 1 - Cloud Computing Fundamentals

Nr: 1

Offline-First Strategies in Heterogeneous, Distributed and Virtualized Infrastructures


Henry-Norbert Cocos

Abstract: This Ph.D project aims to investigate the outsourc- ing of cloud services to clients by including hetero- geneous, client-side resources and cooperation be- tween the cloud and the client in the execution of services. To this end, an offline-first strategy will be formulated, developed, and investigated as a counter- design to the cloud-first strategy, enabling the usabil- ity of services without permanent services and a per- manent cloud connection. This pursues the goal of application autonomy with simultaneous cooperation with cloud services. The goal is to achieve autonomy and simultaneous cooperation of applications in this context. Methods of service migration are to be re- searched to enable the provision of services. The in- fluence of migration on the quality of services will also be investigated. From this, methods for deter- mining the quality of service provide the end user with information about the service provided. In sum- mary, this should lead to an increase in the resilience of the use of services to increase the stability of ser- vices along the cloud-to-edge supply chain and enable transparent use for the end user.