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Special Session
Special Session on
Big Data Infrastructures
 - BIGDS 2019

2 - 4 May, 2019 - Heraklion, Crete, Greece

Within the 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science - CLOSER 2019

BIGDS is a shared event between CLOSER and IoTBDS.


Richard McCreadie
University of Glasgow
United Kingdom

Brief Bio
Dr. Richard McCreadie ( is a Lecturer based within the IR Group of the Information Data and Analysis Section of the School of Computing Science at the University of Glasgow, UK. He specializes real-time information retrieval (IR), machine learning, big data stream processing and evaluation methodologies over streaming data. He has a long history working on Big Data processing technologies, ranging from early work on adapting Hadoop infrastructures for IR within the platform to modern advances in event detection over big data streams using Apache Storm. He also has a strong interest in system evaluation and reusable test collections, having been a successful track organizer at the Text Retrieval Conference (TREC) for the past five years.
Moaz Reyad
University of Genoa

Brief Bio
Moaz is a post doctoral researcher at the University of Genoa. He completed his PhD from the University of Trento in 2015. His thesis was on the provenance of open data entity-centric aggregation. After the PhD, he joined the DBSystem group at the School of Computing, National University of Singapore for more than two years. During this period, he contributed to the research and development of projects on deep learning and data integration. He is in the organizing committee of International Conference on Natural Language and Speech Processing (ICNLSP) 2019. He has publications in VLDB, International Journal On Advances in Life Sciences and International Provenance and Annotation Workshop.
Sophia Karagiorgou

Brief Bio
Dr. Sophia Karagiorgou is a Senior R&D Delivery Manager, leading the Privacy-preserving Distributed Machine Learning in UBITECH LTD, and an Adjunct Lecturer at the Department of Informatics and Telematics of the Harokopio University of Athens (teaching AI, Semantic Web, Advanced AI and Deep Learning). She holds a PhD in spatiotemporal data management from the National Technical University of Athens (2014). Her research interests involve algorithms for big data management, scalable data analytics, map construction from tracking data coming from diverse data sources such as GIS, Maritime, IoT, Smart Environments and Ambient Intelligence applications.


Big Data management is of outmost interest nowadays due to the large amount of data being generated every day in different domains ranging from user generated data to applications in different domains such as banking, transport, e-commerce and heath care among others. Many of these data is generated by different devices such as smart phones, sensors, tablets … Frameworks for analyzing, visualizing and consuming these data must take into account the distributed, noisy and probably incomplete nature of the data. Application developers use these frameworks in order to create new applications but also with the underlying infrastructure for the application deployment, dimensioning and tuning. This special session goal is to bring together researchers workin on big data infrastructures.


  • Big Data Analytics (real time and off-line)
  • Big Data Search and Information Retrieval Techniques
  • Big Data Acquisition, Integration, Cleaning, and Best Practices
  • Hybrid Transactional Analytical Processing (HTAP) Databases
  • Architectures and systems combining OLTP and OLAP.
  • Graph and Context Models for Visualization
  • Process Modeling and Mining
  • Big Data Solutions Design Patterns
  • Representative Data Sampling
  • Automated/Semi-Automated Application Benchmarking
  • Runtime Deployment Adaptation
  • Real-time Application Monitoring
  • Edge Computing
  • QoS optimization through data placement
  • Dynamic auto-scaling techniques in Big Data applications
  • Big Data Architectures for Analytics Processes
  • Consolidation in Big Data applications


Paper Submission: March 10, 2019 (expired)
Authors Notification: March 15, 2019 (expired)
Camera Ready and Registration: March 25, 2019 (expired)


Nikos Drosos, SingularLogic S.A., Greece
Mauricio Lisandro Fadel Argerich, NEC Laboratories Europe GmbH, Germany
Orlando Avila García, ATOS, Spain
George Kousiouris, University of Piraeus, Greece
Yosef Moatti, IBM, Israel
Amaryllis Raouzaiou, Athens Technology Center, Greece
Josh Salomon, Red Hat, Israel
Chrysostomos Symvoulidis, SingularLogic S.A., Greece


Prospective authors are invited to submit papers in any of the topics listed above.
Instructions for preparing the manuscript (in Word and Latex formats) are available at: Paper Templates
Please also check the Guidelines.
Papers must be submitted electronically via the web-based submission system using the appropriated button on this page.


After thorough reviewing by the special session program committee, all accepted papers will be published in a special section of the conference proceedings book - under an ISBN reference and on digital support - and submitted for indexation by DBLP, Web of Science / Conference Proceedings Citation Index, EI, Microsoft Academic, SCOPUS, Google Scholar and Semantic Scholar.
SCITEPRESS is a member of CrossRef ( and every paper is given a DOI (Digital Object Identifier).
All papers presented at the conference venue will be available at the SCITEPRESS Digital Library


CLOSER Special Sessions - BIGDS 2019