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A panel is basically a one and a half hour to 2 hours session in which four to six speakers - distinguished members of the scientific and/or enterprise community, briefly present different perspectives/opinions on key issues with the goal of stimulating a lively, controversial, and provocative discussion. Panelists are expected to actively debate one another and engage the audience to help broaden understanding of the technologies and issues. Two types of panels are to be considered: Research Panels, oriented to the academic community and focused on the discussion of research topics; and Industrial Panels, oriented to promote knowledge exchanges between academia and industry.


Panel on Cybersecurity certification for the Computing Continuum: Future Challenges and opportunitiesPanel on Cybersecurity certification for the Computing Continuum: Future Challenges and opportunities
Panel on Advancing Fog and Cloud Computing Continuums: Insights from the NebulOuS R&D ProjectPanel on Advancing Fog and Cloud Computing Continuums: Insights from the NebulOuS R&D Project

Panel on
Cybersecurity certification for the Computing Continuum: Future Challenges and opportunities

Mario Draghi’s recent report on the future of European competitiveness underscores several cybersecurity challenges that Europe must address to safeguard its digital infrastructure. These include supply chain compromises, privacy loss, new cyber threats stemming from AI misuse, reliance on external technologies, and hybrid threats combining cyber and physical elements. Tackling these issues necessitates a coordinated effort from both industry and research stakeholders to bolster the resilience and security of the European Computing Continuum.
When looking at the most common security issues faced by the ICT ecosystem, the inability to maintain regulatory compliance follow in this category. EU policymakers and regulatory bodies have emphasized the necessity of establishing a robust and comprehensive regulatory framework for ICT products and services. The introduction of recent laws, policies, and acts (i.e. EUCS, CRA, Data Act, AI Act etc.) enhances reliability but also adds complexity to the European cybersecurity landscape.
This panel will offer a comprehensive analysis of key cybersecurity certification challenges within the European Computing Continuum by the projects (EMERALD, COBALT, DOSS, CERTIFY, TELEMETRY) of the European Cluster for Cybersecurity Certification, such as continuous certification, AI enhanced certification and trusted IoT supply chains, among others. We will prioritize physical attendance of the panelists

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Panel on
Advancing Fog and Cloud Computing Continuums: Insights from the NebulOuS R&D Project

The NebulOuS project is organising a panel discussion in the frame of CLOSER 2025 that will spotlight key milestones, innovations, and future directions of the project. NebulOuS develops a novel Meta-Operating System and platform that seamlessly exploit edge and fog nodes, in conjunction with multi-cloud resources. The panel discussion will focus on important research directions in the cloud continuum, while it will highlight pilot use cases and market exploitation opportunities in the field of cloud and edge computing. By bridging technical advancements with market insights, this panel discussion aims to demonstrate the main challenges of this domain, as well as how NebulOuS and other related Meta-OS solutions will reshape the European cloud and edge ecosystem.

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