CLOSER 2011 was held in conjunction with CSEDU 2011 and WEBIST 2011
Registration to CLOSER allows free access to the CSEDU and WEBIST conferences (as a non-speaker)
Registration to CLOSER allows free access to the CSEDU and WEBIST conferences (as a non-speaker)
The 1st International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science, CLOSER 2011, focuses on the emerging area of Cloud Computing, inspired by some latest advances that concern the infrastructure, operations, and available services through the global network. Further, the conference considers as essential the link to Services Science, acknowledging the service-orientation in most current IT-driven collaborations. The conference is nevertheless not about the union of these two (already broad) fields, but about Cloud Computing where we are also interested in how Services Science can provide theory, methods and techniques to design, analyze, manage, market etc. Cloud Computing.
Conference Tracks
1. Cloud Computing Fundamentals
2. Services Science Foundation for Cloud Computing
3. Cloud Computing Platforms and Applications
4. Cloud Computing Enabling Technology
2. Services Science Foundation for Cloud Computing
3. Cloud Computing Platforms and Applications
4. Cloud Computing Enabling Technology
Program Co-chairs
Frank Leymann, University of Stuttgart, GermanyIvan Ivanov, SUNY Empire State College, U.S.A.
Marten van Sinderen, University of Twente, The Netherlands Tony Shan, Keane Inc., U.S.A.
Donald Ferguson, CA Technologies, U.S.A.
Michael Sobolewski, Multidisciplinary Science and Technology Center, AFRL/WPAFB, U.S.A.
Wil Janssen, Networked Enterprises Manager, The Netherlands
Special Sessions
Multi-Agent Systems - MASInformation and Data Quality - IDQ
Business Systems and Aligned IT Services - BITS

A short list of presented papers will be selected
so that revised and extended versions of
these papers will be published by
Springer-Verlag in a SSRI Series book