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Special Session
Business Systems and Aligned IT Services - BITS 2011
Boris Shishkov
We have witnessed advances in software design approaches and a move towards service-orientation, suggesting a separation between the specification of a desired service functionality and the realization of the underlying software components. Service-orientation has been acknowledged in most current IT-driven collaborations. Service modeling approaches, such as SOA, have been complemented with techniques for expressing design intent at higher abstraction levels and keeping abstract models in sync with implementation-oriented models, thus increasing control over the design process. What remains a challenge nevertheless is the adequate alignment of the service/software specification with its governing business logic. Not grasping correctly and exhaustively a business system would lead inevitably to consequent software failures.

The special session on business systems and aligned IT services will focus on the importance of business models for the derivation of IT services. This comes through the establishment of the business system 'as is', the related conceptualization, and the proposal for the 'to be' system that would include introduced IT services. What adds a specific 'flavor' to these problems nevertheless is the link to Cloud Computing which is considered important because IT services are becoming inevitably aligned with underlying Cloud technologies. Hence, the main challenges to be considered are: (i) the business modeling itself, envisioning (at a computation-independent level) business goals to be fulfilled by services through the 'Cloud'; (ii) the reflection of such computation-independent models in particular platform-related solutions; (iii) the service functionality specification and the links to relevant 'Cloud' concepts.
All accepted papers will be published in a special section of the conference proceedings book, under an ISBN reference and on CD-ROM support.
All papers presented at the conference venue will be available at the SciTePress Digital Library (http://www.scitepress.org/DigitalLibrary/).