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Event Chairs

Conference Chair

Maarten van Steen
Digital Society Institute, University of Twente

Brief Bio
Maarten van Steen is professor at the University of Twente in The Netherlands, where he is scientific director of the Digital Society Institute, a virtual institute that bundles all the university's research on digitalization, including AI.

He is specialized in large-scale distributed systems, now mainly concentrating on very large wireless distributed systems, notably in the context of crowd monitoring and its associated privacy preservation. Next to Internet-based systems, he has published extensively on distributed protocols, wireless (sensor) networks, and gossiping solutions.

Maarten va
n Steen is associate editor for ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems, and section editor for Advances in Complex Systems. He authored and co-authored three textbooks, including "Distributed Systems" (with Andrew Tanenbaum), now in its 3rd edition, as well as an introduction to Graph Theory and Complex Networks. ... More >>


Program Chair

Valeria Cardellini
University of Rome Tor Vergata

Brief Bio
Valeria Cardellini is a full professor of computer science in the Department of Civil Engineering and Computer Science Engineering at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy. She received her PhD degree in computer science from the University of Rome Tor Vergata in 2001. Her research interests are in the field of distributed software systems, including Cloud and Edge systems and services, resource management and self-adaptation, quality assurance. She has co-authored more than 100 publications in international journals and conferences and serves on the editorial boards of IEEE TPDS and Elsevier JPDC and on the technical program committees of system and performance conferences. ... More >>
