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Special Session
Special Session on
Federated Cloud Governance
 - FedCloudGov 2014

3 - 5 April, 2014 - Barcelona, Spain

Within the 4th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science - CLOSER 2014


Víctor Méndez Muñoz
IUL, S.A. & Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, UAB

Brief Bio
Dr. Víctor Méndez Muñoz has a main background in big data management and distributed systems. He participated in scientific international projects in physics and bioinformatics like AGATA, LHCb, ENRM and EISCAT, collaborating with several more. Currently, he is Head of Software Development at Mind the Byte, a bioinformatics company specializing in computational drug discovery using a pay-per-use SaaS platform (Software as a Service). He also works in the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) as a part time professor. He holds the program chair in INSTICC conferences in the fields of cloud computing, big data, complexity and the internet of things, as well as editorial collaboration in some journals of high impact.


Federated Cloud Governance is an emerging topic which is to become one of the major issues in computer science, theoretical and practical, in the following years, as the Federated Clouds goes to production level. The target of the Special Session is to encourage discussion on the presented contributions and guidance for the general public of the conference, readers of the conference proceedings and to promote the dissemination of ideas among the eScience community.
Special Session on Federated Cloud Governance aims to formalize the problem domain and to define sensible approaches for the Governance of Federated Clouds. The scope is the eScience domain, including not only multi-community aggregations (NGI portals, multi-community portals, scientific gateways ) but also the integration of large and minor use cases ( pilot factories, job factories, science workflows, science applications).
Conceptual Problem is how to leverage Cloud resources through automatic management of supply and demand, attending to general policies defined by accredited actors for major periods or campaigns. Secondary, how to do the accounting of the resource usage in Federated Hybrid Clouds, which include Public and Private Cloud aggregations.
Special Session paper submissions can collect last years efforts in bottom-up apporaches from IaaS providers to federated infrastructures. Top-down propossals are also expected to contribute with high level approaches to mark the pace in the federated policies. Furthermore, cross approaches beyond the fronteir are also encouraged. The overall Special Session contribution is giving strength of combing the bottom-up and top-down approaches, opening the posibility for participant interactions and feedback in a Special Session final discussion slot.

Topics of Interest
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Cloud Computing Architecture
  • Cloud Delivery Models
  • Cloud Deployment Models: Public/Private/Hybrid Cloud
  • Cloud Risk, Challenges, and Governance
  • Cloud Economics
  • Service Marketing and Management
  • Information Service Economy
  • Cloud Composition, Federation, Bridging, and Bursting
  • Cloud Optimization and Automation


Paper Submission: January 27, 2014 (expired)
Authors Notification: February 10, 2014 (expired)
Camera Ready and Registration: February 20, 2014 (expired)


Sergio Andreozzi, Independent Researcher, Netherlands
Tim Bell, Independent Researcher, Switzerland
Gonçalo Borges, Independent Researcher, Portugal
Michel Drescher, Technology & Operations,, Netherlands
Víctor Manuel Fernández, Santiago de Compostela University, Spain
Enol Fernández, Independent Researcher, Netherlands
Tomás Fernández Pena, Universidad Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Nuno Ferreira, European Grid Infrastructure, Netherlands
Mario Ú. Garcia, Independent Researcher, France
Tristan Glatard, , Canada
Jordi Guijarro, Independent Researcher, Spain
Björn Hagemeier, Juelich Supercomputing Centre,, Germany
Daniele Lezzi, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain
Charles Loomis, , France
Álvaro López García, Spanish National Research Council, Spain
Gilles Mathieu, Computing Centre,, France
Gonzalo Merino, , United States
Boris Parak, CESNET, z.s.p.o., Czech Republic
Peter Szegedi, Independent Researcher, Netherlands
Samir Tata, , France


Prospective authors are invited to submit papers in any of the topics listed above.
Instructions for preparing the manuscript (in Word and Latex formats) are available at: Paper Templates
Please also check the Guidelines and Templates.
Papers should be submitted electronically via the web-based submission system at:


All accepted papers will be published in a special section of the conference proceedings book - under an ISBN reference and on CD-ROM support - and submitted for indexation by Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (ISI), INSPEC, DBLP, EI (Elsevier Index) and Scopus.
SCITEPRESS is a member of CrossRef (
All papers presented at the conference venue will be available at the SCITEPRESS Digital Library


CLOSER Special Sessions - FedCloudGov 2014