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Special Sessions

Special sessions are very small and specialized events to be held during the conference as a set of oral and poster presentations that are highly specialized in some particular theme or consisting of the works of some particular international project. The goal of special sessions (minimum 4 papers; maximum 9) is to provide a focused discussion on innovative topics. All accepted papers will be published in a special section of the conference proceedings book, under an ISBN reference, and on digital support. All papers presented at the conference venue will be available at the SCITEPRESS Digital Library. SCITEPRESS is a member of CrossRef and every paper is given a DOI (Digital Object Identifier). The proceedings are submitted for indexation by Web of Science / Conference Proceedings Citation Index, DBLP and EI.


CloudSecGov 2012Security Governance and SLAs in Cloud Computing
Chair(s): Karin Bernsmed and Martin Gilje Gilje Jaatun

Security Governance and SLAs in Cloud Computing - CloudSecGov 2012


Karin Bernsmed
Software Engineering, Safety and Security , SINTEF ICT
Martin Gilje Gilje Jaatun
IDE, Software Engineering, Safety and Security, SINTEF Digital, Trondheim, Norway

Cloud computing is slowly turning towards an open ecosystem of services that can be mixed and matched according to the customers' individual requirements. In federated Clouds (or "clouds-of-clouds"), services will be picked not only from functionality, but also based on non-functional properties such as availability, performance, security and cost. The obvious downside is the lack of control; customers need to make sure that the composite services behave as expected and that the individual components from different providers can be trusted.
